Anonymous said...

We loved Eric and will always remember him and his smile. This fund is a wonderful idea and a great tribute to Eric. Thank you for doing this.

With love, his aunt and uncle, Faith and Mayer.

Anonymous said...

thank you for creating a space for us to remember Eric in such a positive way. Our hearts are broken.

with deepest sympathy,
fritz and danielle

Anonymous said...

I've been trying to write about Eric for days now, and everything falls so short of expressing what I feel that I've written nothing. I accept that I'm not able to say what this guy meant to me. To fully accept that he's gone, though, is harder than I can imagine just yet.

He'd call after his long night shifts, because he knew I was always up at 1:00AM and ready for a funny story. Yo, dude, you won't believe... He'd come over, and my dog would greet him with at least as much enthusiasm as he'd ever muster for me. We'd talk about work, the people we knew, life in general, his plans for the future. It was never the case that I was not in the mood for this; he was just so great to talk to.

In some ways he was like me: well-intentioned, irresponsible, positive, and unable to focus on things we don't like to do. He was better than me, too - at Wii games, at poker, and at having such a well-defined sense of self for his entire life that he was never anything but Eric no matter who was watching. He treated his friends like family, and his family like gold, and he was really good at loving his girlfriend and his dog, even when it wasn't easy.

I always wanted to give Eric whatever I could, but I always got much more from him. He knew this; there was little in the realm of human needs and emotions that escaped his intuition, and we both understood that I valued his friendship as much as I could ever value anything at all. I'm his uncle Bob, and I miss him so bad I can't stand it.

Anonymous said...

This fund is so amazing and a perfect reflection of the huge heart that was in that kid. thanks to everyone who donates, and to everyone for giving pieces of themselves to that guy, because he sure gave a lot to us.

Anonymous said...

Eric was very fortunate in having friends who cared and continue to care about him as much as he cared for his animals and their owners. Eric's memory will be forever preserved in the kindness you have created with this scholarship.
I will always remember Eric as a "giver." He gave because he cared. He cared for the Pierce College farm, helping with our sheep unit; he cared about the RVT program, volunteering to maintain our facilities; he cared about his fellow students - always making them smile.
Thank you for helping us remember this "mensch."

Anonymous said...

Eric was the soft type with the crusty outside... all tender and strong, sincere and mischievous, deep and earthy. He was so easy to hug and love, partly because he found hugging and loving so natural and partly because he was so lovable. I planned on having him in our life until my ripe old age, when he would help care for our animals, keep us laughing, and share with us his never ending enthusiasm for new things learned and experienced. Our Eric will be in our minds and hearts for always...

Anonymous said...

I wanted to send support to you who loved Eric. I know he lives on in your hearts. What a wonderful person.

Breannajoi said...

I never loved anyone the way I loved Eric. He's my first love and I can't understand how I will have a lifetime without him. No matter where our relationship stood I knew he would be a strength and constant in my life. He could make me laugh uncontrollably all the time and had a knack for timing, routinely waiting until I took a sip of something before he cracked a joke so he could watch me spit it out everywhere. When I put a pink sparkly collar on our dog, Eric humored me and said it was cute and then later asked how many signatures he needed on his petition to have it removed. I'll miss him always, but for all that he gave me that doesn't seem long enough.

Anonymous said...

From the time he worked so hard to get me to buy him two toys instead of the one I'd promised~ or the time he stood on his head in class~ or denied knowing the friend who came to pick him up at school~ or accused me of letting him beat me at cards (he was right!)~ or went out the doggie door and hid in the back yard~ or came to visit, sat on the sofa, and said, "Okay, you can spoil me now"~ or told me that the color red was really yellow and blue was really green (gotcha!!)~ and introduced his grandfather to his class as his hero who was in a tank in World War II~~~from then, both his grandfather and I knew that Eric really did march to the beat of a different drummer... from Mars!

He always looked at my dollhouse to find any minute addition. Eric noticed particularly the lack of people in the house. When I bought a family of parents, son and daughter he said, "Now THAT'S a real house", grinned, and sat the boy on the toilet.~~

Eric knew the people behind the faces. He recognized a sad heart and offered comfort and love in his special way to people, animals, ladybugs (my favorite).
I carry his love in my heart.

Anonymous said...

The sense of humor Eric posessed was as advanced and refined as I had ever known. He understood how to make people feel so good even if they were having days that seemed so bleak. He could somehow turn a dark moment into something bright. However, in this, the darkest moment I have ever had to deal with, he is not here to shed any light. He is not here to crack a smile or a joke, and the light that I once knew and relied on shines no more. I will no longer be able to hear another joke or another gut-busting story. This shit sucks and there is not much else to say about that.

This fund though is exactly what Eric would have wanted if he were here today. He would have wanted people who cared deeply for their pets to have the ability to care for them longer even if they couldn't afford it...that, and for the Clippers to actually make it to the NBA finals in the next decade or so. Since the chances for that are pretty slim, let's keep Eric's memory alive by joking more, laughing more, and making this fund work. I loved my brother so much and I miss him like hell. I know for certain I am not alone.

Cheryl Kennedy said...

It is wonderful knowing that someone as beautiful as Eric Flesher graced the earth and brought tremendous joy and enrichment into so many lives. May this site inspire amazing acts of kindness.

Love and support,
Cheryl and Jim

Anonymous said...

Without ever having had the good fortune to have met Eric, I'm truly sorry I didn't have the opportunity. From what I saw at his funeral and have read here, he touched SO many people's lives in a way that was uplifting and caring. They were all better people from knowing him.

I think one of the things we all want from our lives is to have made a difference in the world. Eric definitely made a HUGE difference to many, many people. May his spirit live on through this site, and from the work that will be accomplished via the donations.

Tanya Chorin said...

I will always remember Eric as the sweet,funny guy who had a special place in his heart for animals.... Im glad that I can contribute to his dream.

love tanya.

Unknown said...

I always felt a warm feeling of happiness in the room when Eric walked in. He made me feel happy all over. I will miss him very much.



Mim Oettinger said...

I had the honor of being Eric's teacher in middle school, enjoying his sense of humor, and watching him mature into an exceptional young man. I know he is with his grandfather keeping the angels in stitches with their jokes. Given the philosophy that the true test of a man's character is how he treats those weaker than himself - especially animals, Eric would rank as a man of honor.
I will always miss him.
Mim Oettinger

Anonymous said...

I had the privilege of knowing Eric his whole life.

When we moved into the house that adjoined the guesthouse he lived in, he showed himself to be the most unflustered, easy-going person I have ever known.

Most people would be supremely annoyed having construction going on in their yard for 6 months, but Eric was really cool with it. No hot water? No problem. Trash heap the size of Montana right out his front door? No worries. Toilet kept backing up? Chill, Julie, no sweat.

I swear, he was made from stuff not of this earth, and I never got to appreciate it until recently.

He went from being "one of the cousins" to "the hilarious neighbor" over the past year and a half, and I'm so greatful that we were able to live so close to him.

I know I'm not the only one that feels this way. And if you ever want to know a truly perfect Eric moment, just ask Ted for the Kirsten Dunst story. You'll laugh so hard you'll pee yourself. Eric had a way of doing that to people.

I just miss him.


Anonymous said...

To our dear friend Mike, the Flesher family and friends of Eric,
It has been a pleasure working with Mike and having him become a member of our Foothill Family. He has been a great addition to our wild and wacky staff :-)
We are all so saddened hearing of the loss of his dear brother. We know that nothing we can say or do will in any way make up for the loss of Eric. We do want to honor both of them by making a donation to the wonderful animal charity that has been set up.
Mike - please know that we are here for you and offer our support in any way. xo
Ed, Nora, Ruth, Sheri, Becky, Mary, Jenni, Teri, Sue, Maureen, Mark, Michele, Cara, Tina, Karen M., Karen P., Elizabeth and Cyndi

Anonymous said...

Eric will be missed dearly and by many......
I honor the years of friendship we shared.
Eric was Real, Sharp, Caring, and most of all Trusting!!!!
I cannot believe he's gone!

This terrible tragedy will not be forgotten so soon, and Eric's Memory will Live In All Our Hearts Forever........

To His Brother Mike and Uncle Bob- Eric ALWAYS Ranted-on about how Great and Special you both were in his life!

Breanna, You were Loved!

Friends: Consider yourselves Lucky for knowing the guy and try to make positive adjustments!

I pray for the Flesher Family.....

Anonymous said...

Today we have news of the first recipient of help from Eric's fund! A little Chihuahua was saved by your generous donations. I will be posting a picture and the full story in a few days as the details become available.

Thanks so much to everyone who has contributed, and please check back to see how Eric's fund helped the family of Princess the Chihuahua to bring her home.

Anonymous said...

Eric lived in the house where my friend lived in 1975. He became my friend in 2002 and I think of him everyday. I truly miss him and the room by the garage where we hung out.
I visit his resting spot as much as I can.

Thank you all for keeping his dreams moving forward and the animals safe.

Peace Brother,

Unknown said...

I was just thinking of Eric because a girl he dated in high school, Amanda, her father just passed away. Decided to google his name and found his site. Brings back memories seeing his picture. Eric and I were in USY together. Hello to his family. Miss you Eric!

Anonymous said...

It's been a really long time since I've checked this site and I'm glad that Eric is still finding ways to help our patients, I still think of him from time to time and I know he's watching us and laughing at all the crazy situations we get into at work. Miss you Frodo!!! Lol